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Our Privacy Policy



Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of personal information is an important aspect of the way that BonaRes Canada conducts its business. Collecting, using, and disclosing personal information in an appropriate, responsible, and ethical manner is fundamental to BonaRes' daily operations.


BonaRes strives to protect and respect the personal information of its customers, employees and business partners in accordance with all applicable provincial and federal laws. The Policy and terms herein will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Canada and Ontario, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of these provincial and federal courts for the resolution of any and all matters that may arise.


Each staff member of BonaRes must abide by this organization's procedures and practices when handling personal information.


This Privacy Policy informs everyone of BonaRes' commitment to privacy and establishes the methods by which privacy is ensured. This Policy applies to all personal information within BonaRes' possession and control.


BonaRes Canada respects your privacy and will not misuse or sell your personal information. By providing your contact information, you consent that we may call you, and may use computer-assisted dialing, sms or text messaging and a prerecorded message.



Personal information is defined as any identifying information about an individual or group of individuals, including name, date of birth, address, phone number, e-mail address, health history, financial data, credit card numbers, payment records, credit records, opinions and personal views.

Business information refers to: Herbal Magic Corp.’s business address, telephone number, ownership details, executive officers and directors, job titles, business registration numbers and financial status. Business information is treated and handled with the same level of confidentiality, privacy, and respect as personal information.


Consent occurs and is obtained when an individual signs an application or online form containing personal information, thereby authorizing BonaRes Canada to collect, use, and disclose the individual's personal information for the purposes stated on the form or within appropriate use.


Implied consent is granted by the individual when he/she signs an application, form or agrees to the terms of use on a website. This allows BonaRes Canada to obtain or verify information from third parties (such as banks, credit bureaus, lenders, or insurance companies) in the process of assessing the eligibility of an individual, customer, client, job applicant, or business partner.


BonaRes Canada collects and uses personal information solely for the purpose of conducting business and developing an understanding of its customers.


BonaRes Canada hereby asserts that personal information will only be used for the following purposes:

  • Evaluate your application and determine your initial and ongoing eligibility for our programs and services;

  • Provide and administer the services you request, respond to your inquiries about our products and services, and contact you regarding the requested services;

  • Process your requests for products, including through our online store;

  • Process billing and invoices, and manage, administer, and collect your payments for products or services;

  • Maintain business records for reasonable periods and generally manage and administer our business; and

  • Meet legal, regulatory, security, and processing requirements, or otherwise as permitted or required by law.


We may, from time to time, store or process your personal information in different jurisdictions according to our business requirements. This policy continues to apply regardless of where the personal information is stored or processed.

With your express consent, BonaRes may also collect and use your name, likeness, and any comments you have made or may make, for publicity of any kind, in any media, promotion, or advertisement.


BonaRes Canada assumes full accountability for the personal information within its possession and control.


BonaRes Canada obtains personal information directly from the individual to whom the information belongs. Individuals are entitled to know how BonaRes Canada uses personal information and this organization will limit the use of any personal information collected only to what is needed for those stated purposes.


BonaRes Canada will obtain individual consent if personal information is to be used for any other purpose. BonaRes Canada will not use that information without the consent of the individual.


Under no circumstances will BonaRes Canada sell, distribute, or otherwise disclose personal information or contact lists to third parties. However, limited disclosure may be required as part of BonaRes Canada's fulfilling its stated business duties and day-to-day operations. This may include consultants, suppliers, or business partners of BonaRes Canada, but only with the understanding that these parties obey and abide by this Privacy Policy, to the extent necessary for fulfilling their own business duties and day-to-day operations.


BonaRes Canada will retain personal information only for the duration it is needed for conducting business. Once personal information is no longer required, it will be destroyed in a safe and secure manner. However, certain laws may require that certain personal information be kept for a specified amount of time. Where this is the case, the law will supersede this policy.


BonaRes Canada vows to protect personal information with the appropriate security measures, physical safeguards, and electronic precautions. BonaRes Canada maintains personal information through a combination of paper and electronic files. As required by law or disaster recovery/business continuity policies, older records may be stored in a secure, offsite location.


Access to personal information will be authorized only for the employees and other agents of BonaRes Canada who require the information to perform their job duties, and to those otherwise authorized by law.


BonaRes Canada's computer and network systems are secured by complex passwords. Only authorized individuals may access secure systems and databases.

Routers and servers connected to the Internet are protected by a firewall, and are further protected by virus attacks or "snooping" by software solutions.


Personal information is not transferred to volunteers, summer students, or interns by e-mail or any other electronic format.



The materials on BonaRes' website are provided “as is”. BonaRes makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, BonaRes does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on this website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site. Information supplied does not replace medical advice from health professionals.

Privacy Procedures


BonaRes Canada's website will include our privacy policy and disclose our personal information practices. Individuals inputting data into the website will be notified of:

  • Personally identifiable information about the individual that is collected from the website or through affiliate sites.

  • Information about the organization collecting the data.

  • How the data will be used.

  • With whom the data may or may not be disclosed.

  • The options available to the individual regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.

  • The information technology security procedures in place that protect against the destruction, loss, theft, alteration, or misuse of personal information under BonaRes Canada's possession and control.

  • How an individual may access and correct any inaccuracies in his/her personal information.

  • BonaRes Canada does not collect personally identifiable information from any individual known to be under the age of thirteen (13).


BonaRes Canada may share compiled demographic information with its business partners and/or advertisers, but no personal information that can identify any individual person shall be disclosed.


This website may contain links to other sites, but BonaRes Canada is not responsible for the privacy practices of other organizations' sites.


While IP addresses will be logged in order to administer the site, track visitor movement, and gather demographic information, these IP addresses will not be linked to any personally identifiable information.


Any registration or order form asking site visitors to enter personal or financial information will be protected by SSL encryption.


In most instances, BonaRes Canada will grant individuals access to their personal information upon presentation of a written request and satisfactory identification. If an individual finds errors of fact with his/her personal information, the individual should notify BonaRes Canada as soon as possible to make the appropriate corrections.


BonaRes Canada may use personal information without the individual's consent under particular circumstances.


These situations include, but are not limited to:

  • BonaRes Canada is under obligation by law to disclose personal information in order to adhere to the requirements of an investigation of the contravention of a provincial or federal law, under the purview of the appropriate authorities.

  • An emergency exists that threatens an individual's life, health, or personal security.

  • The personal information is for in-house statistical study or research.

  • The personal information is already publicly available.

  • Disclosure is required to investigate a breach of contract.


Any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy can be addressed by contacting BonaRes Canada.

BonaRes Canada will investigate and respond to concerns about any aspect of the handling of personal information. This organization will address concerns to the best of its abilities.

Site Content


The content of this Web site in its entirety is not intended for duplication of any type without expressed written permission by a representative of the BonaRes Canada.

Online Interaction Policy


BonaRes Canada (“BonaRes Canada”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) recognizes the importance and value of online communications tools, including web blogs (“blogs”) and other online channels (discussion forums, social networks, chat rooms, etc.).


These online environments increasingly serve as channels for direct interaction with and between Herbal Magic customers, business partners, employees, the media and other stakeholders.


In our commitment to open and transparent communications, we have adopted certain standards and policies to determine how BonaRes employees will interact in these online forums, including those that are now or may in the future be offered through our own corporate online properties and websites.


All BonaRes employees and designated representatives (including agency partners, etc.) who engage in online discussion as a delegate of the company are required to comply with the following simple standards:

  • Honest and accurate information. BonaRes employees and other company representatives must take all reasonable steps to ensure that our communications are based on the most accurate, current and complete information available. Employees and other designated representatives must never knowingly communicate information that is untrue or deceptive.

  • Prompt error correction. In the unfortunate event that an employee or designated representative makes a mistake, the error will be corrected as soon as possible, with full and accurate information, in the same forum the original online posting appeared.

  • Respect for confidential information. BonaRes employees and designated representatives will not disclose any information that is confidential or proprietary to the company.

  • Full disclosure. Employees and designated representatives commenting on any aspect of BonaRes' business will clearly identify themselves as representatives of the company.

  • Personal views. BonaRes employees and designated representatives will clearly state that the views expressed in their contributions to online forums are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of BonaRes Canada. Employees and designated representatives will never claim to be speaking on behalf of the company, unless authorized in writing by BonaRes senior management to do so.

  • Respectful and appropriate conduct. BonaRes employees and designated representatives will ensure at all times that their online comments are respectful of the opinions of others, including employees, customers, partners, and competitors of the company.


With regard to online commentary about BonaRes posted by individuals not affiliated with the company, BonaRes Canada has also adopted certain policies governing when and how the company will respond:

  • We will reply to online comments, when appropriate, as promptly as possible.

  • We will not respond to comments that are judged as spam, off-topic, or simply defamatory.

  • We will acknowledge and correct mistakes promptly, whenever possible.

  • We will always respect others’ opinions and in alienable right to express their views.

Changes to our Privacy Policy


Changes to our terms and policies herein will be reflected on this page of our website. It is your responsibility to read all terms and policies as they may change without notice.

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We send health tips, news, and promotional specials via email to BonaRe's clients and potential customers.


If you want to unsubscribe your email from the email list, you just need to click to the “unsubscribe” link in our email and follow the instructions. Please be advised that it may take a couple of weeks for this change to go in effect. 

By submitting the form below, you consent to allow BonaRes to store and process the personal information submitted above to provide you with the content requested. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

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